Protection and control system of the Monts de Lacaune wind farm clearing station
COUFFRAU ENERGIE – Protection and control system of the Monts de Lacaune wind farm clearing station
Design, supply and commissioning of a protection and control system for the 20/225 kV clearing station
Implementation of a high-performance and very open digital solution for interfacing with the various station equipment, the ENERCON wind turbine supervision system (Farm Control Unit) and RTE remote control
Ferme éolienne des Monts de Lacaune
Very short lead time
First wind farm connected at 225 kV in France at the time of construction in 2011
The clearing station system is a central communication node both inside and outside the wind farm
Powerful digital solution, easy to use and maintain
Flexible solution having allowed multiple evolutions and interfaces during the implementation
System quickly taken in hand by the delegated operator