“ I like the practical and concrete side of the jobs SCLE offers, and how we have an effect on daily life. Energy is useful to everyone. ”
“ I work in a very interesting field because of its great technical complexity and the versatility it requires: electrical engineering, electronics, automation, computer science, or even sometimes civil engineering, mechanics and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
In a way, we are "jacks-of-all-trades" and that makes our job exciting !
The scale of the company allows us to make connections with people who have spent their entire career in the field or, conversely, with a wide variety of profiles, and this can easily go beyond the scope of the job. ”
“ I like the fact that we are directly involved in making electricity accessible to everyone. ”
“ I came to SCLE somewhat by chance. Basically, I wanted to do computer science because I liked logic exercises but also because I wanted to develop video games. In the end, I didn't find myself in video games and at SCLE the issues really fascinated me. I love combining technical computing and the needs of clients like RTE or Enedis. ”
“ Working in the energy field gives me the feeling of being useful to society with the accomplishment of a concrete job. Our computers are in the electrical substations that supply electricity to our homes, our hospitals and every time I pass an electrical substation on the road, I wonder if our equipment is inside. Previously, I was able to work in the field of space which is very interesting but can also be very abstract and distant. I also worked in the field of connected objects with a really non-essential gadget aspect. In the field of energy, I work so that our products have a positive impact on our society and our environment. ”
“ The energy sector is in a state of perpetual change, which offers many technical and technological challenges. Trying to meet them on a daily basis is a good source of satisfaction and an excellent recipe for avoiding routine and monotony. ”