Our news

What’s new at SCLE?
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87T Transformer differential function now certified!

Following several months of development and testing, we are delighted to announce that the international laboratory, KEMA Labs, has certified our 87T Transformer differential function!
Oct 2024

SCLE to exhibit at INNOTRANS 2024

SCLE will be exhibiting at InnoTrans Berlin from September 24 to 27, 2024, on the Equans France stand. So save the date!
Jul 2024

SCLE holds workshop to raise climate awareness among all employees

On the occasion of its annual company seminar, SCLE raised awareness among all its employees by organizing a Climate Fresco workshop.

Inauguration of the Enedis 63 / 20 kV Gorges de la Cère substation in Corrèze, France

On June 11, 2024, SCLE had the honor to attend the inauguration of the Enedis Source Express substation in Corrèze in southwest France. Very proud to see our digital control system in operation!

Sustainable Development Week 2024

We take a look back at our workshops during Sustainable Development Week in Toulouse and Marseille.
borne de recharge VE à Marseille pour le personnel

EV charging points in Marseille

SCLE has installed 7 charging points for employees' electric vehicles on its Marseille premises.

SCLE Welcome to the Jungle page!

Find a wealth of information about SCLE, its business, teams and technologies on our new Welcome to the Jungle page!

SCLE has achieved the GOLD EcoVadis sustainability rating in 2024!

Find out more about our score!
Présentation du TCO Digital à la Plénière du Rail Open Lab 12/01/2024 (ROL)

Rail Open Lab: a plenary session rich in innovative projects

SCLE organized a plenary session showcasing SCLE’s TCO Digital optical control system to guests of honor Jean Castex (CEO of RATP Group) and Matthieu Chabanel (CEO of SNCF Réseau).
Feb 2024
TCO Digital en Arles

‘TCO Digital’ optical control panel tested in Chalon-sur-Saône and Châtenoy

Following on from the tests conducted in Nimes, Chalon-sur-Saône and Châtenoy are now implementing our TCO Digital optical control panel as part of SNCF Réseau’s testing contract, run in by their fast-track department.
Mission Madagascar


We look back on last year's collaboration with charity MAD'ENERGIE in Madagascar
Journée des nouveaux embauchés SCLE à Preissac

Onboarding Day 2023

We reflect on a day of discovery, sharing and camaraderie.
Visite des étudiants BUT GEII de Toulouse à la SCLE

1st year students from Toulouse’s Institute of Technology visit SCLE during French Industry Week

To celebrate annual French Industry Week, Toulouse’s University Institute of Technology (IUT) organized visits to a number of Toulouse manufacturing industries - including SCLE - for its 1st year electrical engineering students.
Vue extérieure du campus ENEDIS en Alsace

SCLE refurbishes the ENEDIS Training Campus in Alsace

SCLE had the pleasure of taking part in the refurbishment of the Enedis Training Campus where we installed HVA protection on the site’s network substation.
Nov 2023
Visuel des produits SCLE Origine France Garantie 2023

“Origine France Garantie” renewed for SCLE

SCLE is proud to have its ARKENS and NS.1 product ranges certified Origine France Garantie. And ARKENS SV now swells the ranks!
Alternant SCLE

SCLE work-study students 2023-2024

Meet this year’s work-study placement students!
Equipe SCLE au complet à vélo pour le triathlon des roses 2023 à Toulouse

SCLE takes part in the “Triathlon des Roses”2023 in aid of breast cancer

This is the second time we have supported the event! We share some news and photo of the day !
SCLE présente au forum étudiant de l'INSA

SCLE meets with students from two of Toulouse’s engineering schools

We take a look back at the INSA and ENSEEIHT engineering school forums held on October 24, 2023
Visuel BlaBlaCar Daily récapitulatif 2023

2023 debrief on our partnership Blablacar Daily

Our partnership with Blablacar Daily, set up as part of our Sustainable Mobility Agreement, has been going strong for a year now. Let’s take a look at our first year in figures.
Jul 2023

Sustainable Development Day – Blood donor initiative

On June 23, the French Blood Establishment (EFS) joined us at our Toulouse premises to allow our employees to give blood.

Digital TCO moves to Nîmes!

Good news, our Digital TCO optical control panel solution has moved into its industrialization phase and setting up shop in Nîmes for 3 months. Here's a look back at the installation!
Visuel technologique pour la Gamme TCFM

Price transmission new contract

SCLE has just signed a new Price transmission contract with Enedis for 4 years!
Jun 2023
Campagne alternance 2023

Work-study campaign: here we go!

Find all our work-study offers for the start of the 2023 school year on the website!
May 2023
Demarrage de la reunion du Rail Open Lab

We look back at the Rail Open Lab plenary session held in Marseille in May

On Friday May 5, the Rail Open Lab and all its members met in our Marseille office to gauge the progress of our sprints and the association's new projects.
Jul 2023
Vue drone Arnac sur Dourdou Poste Source Express PSE

Inauguration of the Arnac-sur-Dourdou substation with RTE and Enedis

We look back at the inauguration of the 225/20 kV substation at Arnac-sur-Dourdou in Aveyron, which took place mid-April in the presence of RTE and Enedis network operators
May 2023
Visite N7 à la SCLE 2023

SCLE hosts students from ENSEEIHT

On Monday April 17, a group of budding engineers from ENSEEIHT joined us on the SCLE premises to learn more about professions in energy and digital.
Equipe EQUANS au salon Sifer 2023 a Lille sur le stand Equans

Back in pictures on SIFER 2023!

Relive the highlights of this exhibition dedicated to the Railways
Apr 2023
Equipe SCLE et RTM devant la remorque DAM de nuit

RTM trailer passes first tests on the Marseille metro with flying colors!

Feedback following the testing and acceptance of our DAM TC trailer in Marseille
Mar 2023
Annonce participation SCLE a SIFER 2023

SCLE will be at SIFER 2023

Looking forward to seeing you there!
Deux produits ARKENS CC installes pour RTE

Commissioning of the first 20 SmartElectre units for RTE Lingostière

Feedback on the first delivery phase of our Digital Command Control cabinets for RTE
Conférence pour le projet TVP NG avec SCLE, RAILENUM, SNCF, SNCF RESEAU

From cognitive sciences to new generation public level crossings!

Kick off of an innovative public level crossings project, led in conjunction with the Railenium Technological Research Institute (IRT), SNCF, SNCF Réseau, and the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 research laboratory of Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University.
Interieur dune salle de formation chez ENEDIS avec nos equipements SCLE PCCN3.v2

Enedis training rooms are now equipped with PCCN3.V2

Meet our new version of the PCCN3!
Feb 2023
Enfants du site à Madagascar avec MADENERGIE

Focus on MAD’ENERGIE 2022

SCLE supports the MAD’ENERGIE 2022 humanitarian mission in Madagascar
Jan 2023
Remorque DAM en essai avec RTM à Marseille

RTM accepts our trailer solution for the maintenance of the Marseille metro!

Spotlight on this project which has been finalized after one year in the making...
ensemble des nouveaux embauchés chez SCLE en 2022

SCLE organizes New Recruit Day 2022

Tuesday December 14 was New Recruit Day 2022 at SCLE.
Dec 2022
logo greta

SCLE continues partnership with RTE and regional adult education institutes

SCLE has been a partner of the French BTS in Energy training course created by RTE Sud-Ouest and GRETA Occitanie since 2021.

ENEDIS grants deployment approval for PCCN3 V2

SCLE obtains approval for the supply and deployment of digital command-control systems for ENEDIS source substations.
Nov 2022
Logo Innotrans

SCLE attended Innotrans 2022 !

SCLE has attented Innotrans 2022 in Berlin for the first time !
Jun 2022

Our measurement range is expanding

Discover the new additions to our measurement range
Nov 2022
Bornes electriques sur le site de Toulouse pour les collaborateurs

Installation of 50 electric bollards at the SCLE Toulouse

SCLE expands charging station to 50-points
Oct 2022
Visuel forum étudiants INSA Toulouse

SCLE reaches out to students

Review of the INSA and ENSEEIHT forums on Tuesday 25 October 2022
Nov 2022

Blablacar has arrived at SCLE!

Discover the advantages of our partnership with Blablacar Daily!
Triathlon des Roses Toulouse 2022 - logo

SCLE takes part in the “Triathlon des Roses”

This weekend, fifteen colleagues took up the Triathlon des Roses challenge in aid of breast cancer.
Sep 2022
Relais basculeurs mise en Y installés dans le poste SNCF de Marne la vallée

Successful commisioning of SNCF switching relays

Our switching relays have been deployed on the Paris-Lyon high-speed line in Marne la Vallée.
Sep 2022
Montre connectée sur expérimentation Suites rapides ROL TCO

REX : Rear Base Route Control

Feedback from the main actors involved in the sprint on the Rapid Suites in Coutras with the ROL
Jul 2022
Remise du prix Equans à l'équipe innovation Smart Electre

SCLE wins an internal innovation award!

One more prize!
Essais CEM pour matériel SCLE destiné à la SNCF

Successful EMC tests for our SNCF tipper

SCLE develops a tipper to facilitate the modernization of the Paris-Lyon line
Photos diverses du séminaire annuel des collaborateurs SCLE à Quillan en 2022

Business seminar

A look back at the June company seminar !
Réunion des chargés d'affaires à la sous-station ferroviaire SNCF à Venerque

A 100% SCLE TPS for SNCF Réseau

Last year SCLE delivered 2 TPS in Ariège
Jun 2022
Mise en service d'une protection ARKENS PR chez Danone


ARKENS is now operational in the DANONE factory
Jun 2022
Intérieur d'un Poste Source Express PSE SCLE pour Enedis

Express substation

Successful delivery of our 1st express substation for Enedis
photo d'équipe du laboratoire CEM SCLE à Toulouse

COFRAC accreditation renewed for SCLE EMC laboratory

SCLE's electromagnetic compatibility laboratory is once again COFRAC accredited according to the ISO 17025 standard.
May 2022
Signature de la convention de partenariat SCLE et INSA 2022

SCLE renews its partnership with INSA

Back in pictures on the signing ceremony between the historical partners SCLE and INSA Toulouse
Apr 2022
Remise du prix d'honneur Performance qualité 2022 à JF Revel

2021 Quality Achievement Award for SCLE

SCLE receives the 2021 Quality Honor Prize awarded by AFNOR, the CCI of Toulouse and the AFQP Occitanie!
Apr 2022
logo MASE

MASE Certification

Renewal for 3 years of our MASE Certification on our Toulouse and Marseille sites and for all our activities!
Apr 2022
Essais séisme MODUMAT

Successful earthquake test for our equipment!

Our equipment has endured earthquake tests at 30 G!
Feb 2022
Prix Global Award EFQM 2021

SCLE wins the EFQM Global Award 2021!

It's not the destination that counts, but the journey ...
prix ecovadis

Ecovadis sustainability leadership awards

SCLE awarded as Best Performer in the category of French SMEs in the "Manufacturing Advanced" sector
certificat Ecovadis SCLE Platinum medal 2022

SCLE achieves Ecovadis Platinum rating in 2021!

An exceptional 82/100 score for SCLE
Neoval Siemens Mobility sur le métro de Rennes

IVS obtains SIL 4 certificate using BGS

IVS has been SIL 4 certified by Bureau Veritas!
Afficheur déporté connecté sur expérimentation suites rapides ROL TCO

Digital railway innovation

SCLE started new experimentations with SNCF Réseau through its internal digital lab called "ROL"

Our certifications

logo EFQM Global Award 7 star 2021Bureau logo Veritas Certification ISO50001logo Afaq 14001logo Afaq 9001logo MASE SUD OUESTlogo Origine France Garantie V2EcoVadis 2024 GOLD
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