Work trains workshop areas control
This automatic light signal system guarantees the distance between trains running on the same tracks.
It uses lighting signals installed on posts or crossbars at the entrance of each canton as well as track circuits designed activate a change in colour depending on a trains’ progress along the track.
The SCLE Automatic light signal systems are “Made in France” certified since 2021 (AFNOR Cert. 95124).
Lighting signals controlled by ERJI N.S1 railway products.
Safety equipment designed and manufactured so that any failure leads lighting signals to give restrictive information, reducing traffic.
These products meet SNCF and RATP requirements as well as EN 50126 and EN 50129 European standards.
for more information
Nathalie Sévikian
Work trains workshop areas control
SIL4 generic safety platform for railway signaling applications
Multipurpose digital protection relay - IEC 61850 - Station Bus
Feeder protection relay
Transformer protection relay
Line protection relay
SIL 2 certified railway signalling system
Decentralized interlocking system linked to switch operation
PMP - Concrete or container parallel substation
Timer for delaying the attraction of an N.S1 signaling relay
Railway signaling equipment for level crossings
Voltage / current measurement and control
Study and construction of traction power stations
High Voltage Substation Bay Controller Unit
Multi-function High Voltage gateway and substation server
Hardware common platform and function-specific cards
A full range of digital control system panels for HV/MV substations
Comprehensive solutions to optimise the quality of your electrical grid
Equipment and work solutions
Ripple control system generator
Ripple control system shunts
RH2002, RH Advance, GPS Kit, NTP modules
In the footsteps of TM 3000 and TM 3000LC
Public switched telephone network
Comprehensive authorized range. Combined with track switches to manage overnumbering.
Ripple control system
Printers, printer tables
Integrated remote control emitter
Backup ripple control system generator
Electric grid transmission pricing monitor
Testing and tuning of TCFM shunt circuits
Monitor electric grid transmission pricing
Transformer protection and control system
Substation automation and general control panel
Entry point of the DSO telecontrol center
Protection and control of MV draft protection
Digital control system for HV substation including shelter
Railway digital control system
Surveillance system for detecting foreign objects on the track
A connected control system for maintenance and training
BattGrid™ grid interface container
Monitors low-voltage network quality
For electrical quantity measurement and remote transfer
Load generation device
For validating grid connection
Simple transformer testing device
Battery container
Collect and transmit your metering data
Energy management Web application
Energy communication and awareness solution
Our power electronics skills for SNCF maintenance centres
Remote monitoring of the state of the catenaries